CFRI seeks to provide the national cystic fibrosis (CF) community with current information about cystic fibrosis through educational programs and resources, while providing diverse psychosocial support services to the CF community.
These programs help educate and provide multi-faceted support to those affected by CF, and include the following.

Psychosocial Support Programs & Classes
Programs address the impact of chronic illness on emotional health.

CF Wellness Classs
Programs recognize the positive impact of physical movement and exercise on one’s physical and mental health.

National CF Conference
Patients, families and experts in the field of CF spend a weekend together.

CFRI Community Retreats
Community gatherings that enhance coping skills and help build social support.

CFRI Community Newsletter
Regular updates on programs, research findings and event announcements.

CF Community Voices Podcast Series
Video podcasts that address diverse and complex CF-related topics.