Become a Cystic Fibrosis Advocate

Our many voices make one strong voice.

CFRI seeks to engage the CF community, industry and funders in cystic fibrosis advocacy and awareness efforts, that increase quality of life of those impacted by CF. If you have a loved one with CF and/or would like to raise awareness around CF and its challenges, become a cystic fibrosis advocate now.

Our Cystic Fibrosis Advocacy and Awareness campaigns and events help spread awareness of the challenges faced by the CF community, providing tools to encourage access to therapies and quality care.

Living with CF presents many challenges, including physical, emotional, and financial. Access barriers to medical care and therapies must be reduced; and funds to find a cure for cystic fibrosis must be raised.

Raise your voice!

Advocates stand together on the floor of the California Senate, alongside legislators.

Julie Desch participates as a cystic fibrosis advocacy campaign.What does it mean to be a cystic fibrosis advocate?

  • Stay up to date on issues impacting the CF community, and receive action alerts to raise your voice in support of the CF community: To sign up for updates and action alerts. email Sabine Brants at
  • Send letters to your elected officials to share your opinions on bills that impact the CF community. And encourage your friends/family to do the same: Find your elected representatives.

The CF community deserves a better quality of life, and we need your voice to make it happen.

Watch Many Voices ~ One Voice CF Awareness Video

To get involved, email CFRI Advocacy & Programs Associate. Stacie Reveles at

Many Voices – Once Voice is made possible to date through educational grants from Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Genentech.