CFRI’s investment in new ideas has enabled researchers at well-established academic and medical institutions across the United States to bring new perspectives to the study of this disease.
CFRI seeks to fund projects that are original, probing, and/or pioneer a new approach to a therapy or cure for cystic fibrosis, through two research programs: the New Horizons Research Campaign and Elizabeth Nash Memorial Fellowship. Those involved in varied disciplines of research are encouraged to submit proposals during funding cycles, to advance the current understanding of cystic fibrosis.
All programs are governed by a panel that includes :
- The Research Advisory Committee (RAC)
- A volunteer group of researchers, clinical physicians, adults with CF, and parents/family members of those with CF
- CFRI staff and Board of Directors
Research proposals are submitted to and reviewed by the RAC, and undergo a rigorous peer review process. Results are ranked by the RAC based on reviewers’ comments. Recommendations for funding are presented to the Board of Directors for evaluation.

Funding Opportunities
For promising new CF research projects by PIs and Post-Doctoral Fellows.

Research Publications
A listing of pivotal research findings by CFRI-funded scientists and clinicians.