Patrick Nash Fellows Training Program: Aging in the New Era of CF
This program has been designed to advance knowledge and treatment of adults with cystic fibrosis (CF).
Continued progress in CFTR-targeted therapeutics (and improvements in CF care delivery for those ineligible) has driven a rapid increase in life-expectancy with meaningful improvements in lung function, nutritional metrics, and pregnancies, as well as decreases in exacerbations, the need for IV antibiotics, the number of lung transplants, and more.
The next frontier of extending and improving the lives of people with CF is understanding and addressing the host of non-pulmonary CF-related comorbidities that present or progress in adulthood, including GI complications, diabetes, bone disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, ongoing and new sinopulmonary complications, and others.
This educational program will focus on the multi-organ impact of CF. It will identify, educate, and connect the next generation of CF care providers and thought leaders. It will also serve as a catalyst for innovative research activities.
Post-doctoral Fellows, areas of clinical focus may include:
Cardiology, Pulmonology, Endocrinology, Oncology, Gastroenterology, Gynecology/Urology, Psychology/ Psychiatry, ENT/Otolaryngology
If Accepted to the Program, fellows agree to:
- View 3 hours of curated online content from CFRI and other existing sources
- Attend all sessions of the November conference
- Attend at least 2 of 3 quarterly post-conference virtual meetings
- Complete meeting evaluations
- Share relevant knowledge via post-conference presentations and/or publication activities as requested and as schedule allows
Symposium Meeting
Thurs. Nov 7th – Sat. Nov 9th, 2024
Thompson Hotel 1616 Market St, Denver, CO 80202
CFRI will cover the cost of travel, accommodations and meals during the symposium
DEADLINE: June 2, 2024
Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by 07/02/24.
The Patrick Nash Fellows Training Program was sponsored in 2024 by Viatris, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, and the Nash Family.
New Horizons
The nationwide New Horizons Research Campaign funds promising new cystic fibrosis (CF) research projects in academic and hospital institutions. Supporting research of the highest scientific quality, the NH program also endeavors to fund those applications with the greatest relevance to finding improved treatments or a cure for CF.
Program Features
Principal Investigators (PIs) must work in their labs to be eligible for funding.
- New Horizons provides a minimum of two $70,000 awards per year for two years via two annual contracts. These awards are based on CFRI’s Research Advisory Committee (RAC) reviewed and designated ‘satisfactory’ progress reports, financial reports, and relevant fund availability to the research project goals.
- Announcement for Letters of Intent (LOI) will be made in September with the LOI due to CFRI in November from principal investigators for two-year research projects up to $70,000 per year that are highly relevant to CF and are original, probing and/or pioneering a new approach to a therapy or cure. Based on recommendation of the Research Advisory Committee, select applicants will be invited to submit full proposals which will be due in February of the coming year.
- Priority is given to proposals of superior scientific quality. This funding opportunity is open to research institutions within the United States. The NH awards also provide seed funding for promising new lines of basic and clinical CF research that show prospects of future funding by other sources, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
LOI DEADLINE: November 4, 2024 11:59 pm ET
Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by 12/12/24.
Elizabeth Nash Memorial Fellowship
The Elizabeth Nash Memorial Fellowship (ENMF) was inaugurated in 1999 to provide annual funding to Post-Doctoral Fellows engaged in CF-related research at academic and hospital institutions nationwide and encourage collaborative research and communication between the institutions and PI’s. The fellowship is named in memory of geneticist Elizabeth Nash, who had CF and served as CFRI’s RAC Chairperson.
Program Features
ENMF aims to support new and promising research in critical areas at well-recognized academic and medical laboratories nationwide.
- ENMF supports at least one Post-Doctoral Fellow annually for two years with a grant of $65,000 per year via two annual contracts.
- Yearly award payments are made in two annual $32,500 installments, based on RAC reviewed and designated ‘satisfactory’ project, financial progress reports, and relevant fund availability to the research goals.
- Announcement for Letters of Intent (LOI) will be made in September with the LOI due to CFRI in November for two-year postdoctoral research fellowships with up to $65,000 per year in basic, clinical or translational research related to cystic fibrosis. Based on recommendation of the Research Advisory Committee, select applicants will be invited to submit full proposals which will be due in February of the coming year.
- Up to $65,000 per year will be awarded to a research institution in the United States to support a principal investigator, who in turn appoints a postdoctoral research fellow. Of particular interests are projects that are original, probing and/or pioneering a new approach to a therapy or cure.
LOI DEADLINE: November 4, 2024 11:59 pm ET
Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by 12/12/24.